To celebrate Lag B'Omer (the 33rd day of the Omer), it’s traditional to light bonfires which symbolize the light that Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai, who is said to have died on Lag B’Omer, brought to the world through his mystical teachings. Here’s an artistic spin on making a bonfire…PAINT “fire!” As you swirl the yellow, orange, and red paint together, you can think of the light within you and how you can best share it with others to make the world a better place!

On Lag B’Omer, we celebrate the life of the legendary mystic Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai, who died on Lag B’Omer (the 33rd day of the counting of the Omer, which is the 49-day period between the second night of Passover and Shavuot). Rabbi Shimon brought great light and wisdom to the world when he wrote and shared the Zohar. One traditional way we honor Rabbi Shimon is to light bonfires on Lag B’Omer. Another way we can do this is by making a Paper Plate Suncatcher with red, orange, and yellow tissue paper — reminding us of fire, Rabbi Shimon’s light, and the light that we must bring to the world now.